Tim Wilder arrived at First Baptist Church of Kissimmee when the average cost of a new car was around $9,000, the first clunky cell phone made its debut, and “Back to the Future” was the number one box office hit.
The year was 1985 and Tim Wilder had flowing, longish brown hair and drove a customized van when he was tapped as youth pastor of the church in central Florida.
For the next 11 years, Wilder ministered to, shared the gospel with and discipled youth. In 1996 when the lead pastor of First Baptist Church of Kissimmee retired, church leaders asked Wilder to serve as interim pastor while they prayed for a new pastor.
It wasn’t long before church leaders saw their new pastor standing right in front of them: Tim Wilder.
On Feb. 2, 2025, the church celebrated the 40th anniversary of Wilder’s ministry to the church and community.
A Vision for the Church
Even as a young pastor, Wilder recalled, “God gave me a vision for this church,” adding that Matthew 16:18 grounds the vision: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (NIV).
After sharing the vision with church members, Pastor Wilder met with Kissimmee local officials and asked them two questions: 1. What are the primary needs in this city? and 2. How can our church meet those needs? Since then, he has worked tirelessly with church members and staff, volunteers and community leaders to bring this five-part vision to fruition: Build for Strength, Build for Health, Build for Life, Build for Missions and Build for Worship.
During the recent celebration service, Wilder shared how the vision has unfolded through the years.
Build For Strength. The church builds strong communities of believers through Sunday school small groups, discipleship training on Wednesday nights, and building Christian leaders on Sunday nights. The number of baptisms reached 1,855 in 2024.
Build For Health. Under Pastor Wilder’s leadership, the church partnered with Foundation Counseling, Inc. in St. Cloud. Today, First Baptist Church of Kissimmee has a Christian counseling center on campus. Its fees are on a floating scale. In 2024, 241 clients were served, and seven counselors were available.
Build For Life. “The Osceola Pregnancy Center has outgrown its facilities,” said Wilder during the celebration.
“At least 1,100 families have been served. In 2024, 19 babies were saved from being aborted,” he added.
Moms are encouraged to join a discipleship group at the church. Also, because of Wilder’s vision, the church partnered with the Florida Baptist Convention to have a mobile anti-human trafficking ministry.
Build For Missions. Pastor Wilder prays for more intentional local and global mission trips. For local missions, he envisions the church’s recreation ministry as a hub that attracts the community. Area residents come for gymnastics, soccer, pickleball, taekwondo and basketball.
“This ministry is an opportunity to have some gospel conversations with the unsaved,” he said. Many have made professions of faith, and others have joined the church because of the ministry. In 2024, 441 families were served, with 300 participants having no church affiliation.
Additionally, the church has built strong partnerships with eight local schools under Pastor Wilder’s guidance. The Serve the City Ministry serves in multiple capacities, including meals to partner schools during preplanning days. The church has held after-school programs to teach Bible lessons to children. Another community outreach is the annual fall festival. Pastor Wilder began this tradition when his children were small. Attendance has increased to 1,300 people for a family-friendly environment.
“This is an opportunity to preach the gospel to the community,” said Wilder.
For global missions, the pastor encourages First Baptist Church of Kissimmee to remain faithful to its commitment to missionaries abroad. He has prayed over countless church members who have been called to the mission field. Trenton Livingston of the International Mission Board is one of many. Livingston was born and raised under Pastor Wilder’s ministry.
“I was nervous when I first got behind the podium to preach. But Pastor Wilder approached me and told me that he had been preaching for 25 years and still gets nervous. That encouraged me. The pastor prayed for me even when I was in the womb,” recalled Livingston.
Build For Worship. Pastor Wilder briefly highlighted the necessary repairs in the current worship center. He shared a video of what the physical transformation of the place of worship will look like once the renovation is complete.
A Rich Legacy
Reflecting on Pastor Wilder’s legacy at First Baptist Church of Kissimmee, longtime member Nancy Clemons, said, “When I saw his long hair and the customized van parked outside the church, I thought, ‘What have we gotten ourselves into?’ What I love about Pastor Tim Wilder is the way he preaches to us. I love the way he interprets Scriptures.”
Executive Pastor Jeff Lehman, who has served at the church for 13 years under Wilder’s leadership, shared, “I was 15 years old when I started attending First Baptist Church of Kissimmee because Youth Pastor Tim Wilder came over to my house and invited me to church.” Lehman added that during a youth camp organized by Wilder, he met his wife, Tessa.
Pastor Wilder and his wife, Nancy, discipled the young couple before marriage. Wilder later performed their wedding ceremony. The five members of the Lehman family are all involved in church ministry today.
Lehman expressed gratefulness for Wilder and his ministry, “Thank you for your commitment to God’s word. You are the same behind the scenes.”
Former worship director Mark Epperson also commented, “The greatest example you’ve always given us is your love for God’s word, your family, this church and the community.”
Jeffery Singletary, Florida Baptists’ Central region catalyst, affirms Wilder and his faithful leadership through the years. “Pastor Tim is a tremendous shepherd. He is a very kind and tenderhearted pastor. He cares deeply for his members and the community. His people love him very much, and he loves them. First Baptist Church Kissimmee is a great church with an even greater leader,” Singletary said.
During the celebration service, Kissimmee Vice City Mayor Angela Eady presented Pastor Wilder and his wife with a proclamation plaque from the city. As she read the proclamation, the vice mayor highlighted Pastor Wilder’s contributions to a better community over the past 40 years. For 25 years, the church’s Osceola Christian Ministry Center near downtown Kissimmee served the city’s homeless and less fortunate population.
Rather than keeping the focus on the past 40 years, Wilder continues to look forward. He shared what he called “God-size news.” A member recently donated a five-acre lot behind the church.
“We have prayed for 28 years for that land,” said Wilder. “We will build a one-stop shop for the Build for Life Ministries called Osceola Life Center. A two-story facility will house ministries that could transform lives: a Christian adoption and foster care ministry, a single moms ministry with a pregnancy center, a counseling office and an anti-human trafficking ministry.”
After 40 years, Wilder may have shorter hair and a more mainstream vehicle, but he holds fast to His God-given vision for First Baptist Church of Kissimmee and leans into the biblical promise of his favorite Scripture: “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (NKJV).
This story was also submitted to the Florida Baptist Convention. To learn more about the author, Teodosia Rivera, click the link below.